Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 2013, fix for flt and steam version
What you must play
Metro: Last Light (2013) and games like Tomb Raider 2013, Dead Island Riptide (2013), Call of Juarez Gunslinger (2013), Resident Evil Revelations, Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite (2013), Grid 2 2013 but now is the time for Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 2013 Fix HD enhance
About the game:
You can get this game from here.
What other games are a must-have
DmC Devil May Cry 5 2013 , Far Cry 3 2013, Tomb Raider 2013, About the game:
You can get this game from here.
This is not DDL, download, warez, 0day or torrent, it's just a pastebin :).
Fix for glitches like graphics problems, bugs, freezing, frames per second dropping, crashing, blackscreens, sound problems, corrupted savegames and other things that need to be fixed and even better HD graphics. What other games are a must-have
Resident Evil 6 , Bioshock, Might and Magic Heroes Shades, Metro Last Light 2033 and Dead Island Riptide 2013
Just look at this insane game and tell me you don't want to play this haha.
I bet you've been waiting for this too bro. Damn this is some top notch slaying.
It's here! Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition!
*handcrafting the fix
1~ Get some Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition release like FLT, Steam, RePack
You can get it from here.
This is not DDL, download, warez, 0day or torrent, it's just a pastebin :).
[don't forget to download those files | mirror, seems like a lot of you haven't read the whole instructions there's more and it's kinda important to make it longterm .. just sayin and goodluck]This is not DDL, download, warez, 0day or torrent, it's just a pastebin :).
3~ Now starts the fixing part
4~ Use these files after cracking [fixing those gay graphics and savegame problems] and follow the next step
5~ Block the game in this firewall. When you have COMODO just run the game as administrator and when it asks to give permissions just BLOCK it because you don't block the game you block the ports and connection between steam and such.
|Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition GFX and gameplay fix ()
6~ to prevent losing savegames, optimize hardware and get latest updates >
you need to download this (or this) and follow the steps
no fkin surveys
(everything is free, no surveys, no SMS shit, only adfly :>)
source: more at
Have Fun Guys
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