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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Fire against Water = Firewater

Outside #20
Virtual nature? Go outside! Or keep on being virtual. What's worse death by fire or water? Fire vs. Water. Or both?
Fire-water is the biggest known non-existent creation on God's list of things not to create...Although, his drunk elf minions mixed up this list, resulting in many creations that should not have been made in the first place. Anyway, Firewater, not to be confused with vodka, is, well, self-explanatory. The existence of firewater is, of course, not physically possible in this dimension, because of many different reasons. The first reason is the temperature. Let's see, water is between 33 and 211 degrees Fahrenheit, and fire is at least 451 degrees. Do the math. Second: Matter. Water is a liquid. It is everywhere on the Earth, and 95% of it is free. Fire is comprised of gas, energy, and plasma. Thus, it costs $5 for a gallon of fire, which is bullshit, especially considering water is everywhere on Earth and almost nowhere off of it excluding Uranus, and fire is everywhere, but very rare on earth itself. Third, and biggest of all, they hate each other. Water is the bastard who exists in about .0000000000001% of the known universe. Fire is everywhere. Face it. Fire mugged, gang raped, and left water for dead. There is no way either of the two could ever have a reaction without one of them dying.

Bored Level [+1 Fire]
Time spiralling sun.

Fluid fire

Bored Level [+1 Fire]
Fast fluid simulation sandbox, you can create and mix fluids, draw walls as collision objects, create air emitters, add particles, which are influenced by fluids and by themselves.


Bored Level [+1 Water]
Papervision shaders + perlin noise = water. As you can see water lost here at amBored. 2:1.

Overall score: [?]
Maybe you were asking :"What should i do when im bored?". Well, this blog is full of fun things to do when bored such as most addictive games, cool websites and more.


  1. if only we had cars that ran on water... oh wait! G.E. made one! but that would ruin the economy :/ freakin american supply and demand

  2. Great blog man! Keep up the good work! Also check your email. You've been selected as a winner from D22 to recieve a free copy of Portal!

  3. But where is earth wind and heart?

  4. fit4life, did GE really make one?

  5. Trippy games look awesome!

  6. Yay fire-water! You make everything better!

  7. Good post, interesting fact that the earth mostly consists of water yet still we are going to run low on water in the next 100 years. Whats up with that?

  8. Great games mate, made my last hour of work fly past

  9. I thought one of the moons of Jupiter contained water as well. Eo? Io? Something like that.

  10. i dont know where you find all of these, but good job, loads of fun.

  11. I love the 3rd game! It makes me wish I still did drugs :)

    You should read about Mobys Latest Purchase if you have some free time. I am a very dedicated follower! :)

  12. @ Rocka-Rolla-the control of resources is key in controlling a population. Cue the ominous music.

  13. the spiraling sun made me a bit dizzy. i liked the fluid fire quite a bit. and the water wasn't bad, but I think I've seen better water than that in video games :)

  14. The sun image looks awesome

  15. whoa that just blew my freakin mind

  16. they're great! loving your blog, every day!

  17. Seriously. Water powered cars. I hate you oil industry.

  18. Fire is a much more powerful element. But water is essential for life. Personally, I enjoy water better.

  19. there's a lot of cool stuff on the first site :D

  20. I think death by either is quite bad

  21. You know, I never even thought of fire that way. Interesting!

  22. *knocks over Ambored and snatches copy of Portal*....what? you know black folks steal!!

  23. the water's more like a blue blanket

  24. I remember in an episode of sponge bob, they lit a fire under water.

  25. it's super effective! :D

  26. What the hell just happened hahahahha

  27. I dont know what have you smoked but i want this hehe firewater :)

  28. i hope you have water to cool off Uranus

  29. Great post!!! I'll be sure to return :) Keep up the great work!

  30. I'd rather swim in water. Water wins.

  31. I'm loving how much variety is on the sun site :D

  32. Nice post man, blogs cool as!

  33. nice theme this time. :)

  34. It takes a bit to get the feel of the controls, but this is pretty cool. I am doing water right now.

  35. the water one made me dizzy after a while, it looked awesome though

  36. wait what? my brian is full of funk.

  37. Classic shiet ;) play N.O.V.A and have fuun ;)

  38. I allways find something to do when I visit your blog. cheers.

  39. Spent a good amount of time staring into the simulated sun. Thanks for that.

  40. Water beats fire unfortunately, as pokemon will tell you! Come check me out,


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